Tuesday 3 May 2011

Log 1: Delicious

The website Delicious is a social bookmarking site which allows you to bookmark a website that you want to go back to. It allows you to save as many websites as you like and lets you share them with others, not just on the Delicious website but also via email or websites like Twitter. Delicious will categorise your websites based on tags that you give them, for example; I saved a website which looked into a career in acting, and I gave this website two tags, career and acting. This then enabled me to see all of the bookmarks saved by others with the same tags.

Delicious has served as a fantastic tool for me whilst carrying out my project. The ability to search the website for sites that had been saved by others relating to my project was invaluable when carrying out my Literature Review. It has also meant that if I have been away from my home computer and come across a website that I thought was relevant to my project, I was able to log into Delicious, save it and go back to it when I got home.

Carrying out my project and being introduced to this new website has taught me about a new aspect of the World Wide Web that I was unaware about before beginning the project. It is something I can use in the future, not just in further academic work but in future work and social settings.

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