Monday 9 November 2009

Writing Style 1

Chickenshed Theatre Company would like to cordially invite you to their Christmas production of Carlo Codolli’s Pinocchio. Experience the magic as the two hundred strong cast incorporate dance, drama, music and sign language to re tell an age old classic!
Follow Pinocchio along his journey as he transforms from a wooden puppet into a real live boy, from naughty to nice, and even into a donkey!
This production is the perfect outing to get you into the Christmas spirit as the Chickenshed cast turns this fantastic classic into a truly unique and original experience for all the family.
Brought to you from their theatre in the heart of London’s Southgate, this production runs from the 9th December until 16th January.
Box Office: 0208 292 9222


  1. Rosea A good start - easily identifiable as one of the types of writing- but this piece seems quite short for the task. Some of the points could be expanded to give the reader more of an idea about the show... or the theatre, actors etc. who is your target audience? Paula

  2. Hey Rosea
    i liked the way you opened the piece i feel that it takes you straight to the point. but i do feel that you should and a bit more to this piece as i feel that read needs to try and print a picture in there heard.


  3. hey rosie,
    good start to your marketing piece, good use of language.

    you need to expand on the story line more as your piece is very short, maybe also write why people should want to be an audience for a chickenshed show, what make chickenshed different then other companys?

    also break up your writing more to draw the ey of the reader.

    i think you should make more of your information at the end of the piece, time, prices, dates, etc.

    overall, a very good start

    sarah c
