Thursday 24 September 2009

Kelly and Rosea's Blog

Who are we?

I am Kelly Coiffic- Kamall, who has a geat inerest in performing arts especially dancing, although I have studied Drama, Dance and Music. My passion has always been dance. I find that I lack self esteem in the subjects that Im not comfortable in such as drama. I tend to hold back instead of just letting go. This is something that I need to overcome for myself.

I am an independant, outgoing, emotional and clumsy person! I have a love for acting and performing which works well with the fact that I am LOUD! (sometimes too loud). My passion and excitement for the things I am interested in can mean I run before I walk at times, but I have the ability to keep going until I succeed in what I set out to do.

What we thought of eachother!

Kelly's thoughts on Rosea
I found that Rosea is a very friendly girl who has learnt to adjust to her surroundings for example she used to live in Nottingham with her family but has now moved to London to persue her love for performing arts. So I think that she can adapt to anything that is thrown her way.

Rosea's thoughts on Kelly
Bubbly!! Kelly has a passion for music, dance and drama, but specifically dance. She can play the piano, drums and guitar and used to do ballet.
From speaking to her I sense that she has the abilty to self evaluate well what her strengthes and weaknesses are and that she not as confident in some areas of peformance as she is in others.

What we're in to!

Kelly likes:
Learning different and new instruments, Ballet, and all the normal stuff like clubbing, movies, listening to music and facebook!

Rosea likes: Acting, playing instruments, dancing badly, socialising with mates, teasing her kitten, and also like Kelly....FACEBOOK!

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